Slopmax Installation

Slopmax is an entirely new patented technology for the decontamination of drill cuttings and other contaminated soil substances. The technology was jointly developed by TMK Automatika Ltd.
The slope recovered during the drilling process is contaminated and could lead to environmental and health concerns when not treated correctly.

Slopmax enables you to:

• minimise the contamination
• recycle your oils and
• reduce your operating costs.
• Achieve Zero waste

WHY USE Slopmax ?

Traditional slope cleaning methods are labour intensive and expensive. The slop have to be transported in order that they can be treated and the costly lubricating oils used are not easily recovered.

Slopmax can be located at your site adjacent to the drill rig. Slopmax becomes an integral part of the process. Soil, water and oil are separated and then cleansed.

The separation and cleansing process is so effective that both the water and the oils used can be recovered and used again. The potential savings are significant.

Not only does Slopmax clean and recover quickly and efficiently it also allows you to choose the appropriate separation steps depending upon the contents of the waste cuttings.
Immediate benefits are, Slopmax reduces transportation costs, recovers valuable resources, and cuts operating costs substantially.

Where is it used?
Slopmax is used during drilling operations, placed close to or adjacent to the rig or alternatively at dedicated waste management sites. By reducing the contamination of hydrocarbons to the UK 500 ppm limits or less the cleansed solids can be used in a number of applications or go directly to a non hazardous landfill site.

The Slopmax machines can be mobile units or fixed in-situ.
What is the Performance?
The rated capacity of the mobile machines is 20 – 40 tonnes/day.
The in-situ plants are configured to process 100 – 120 tonnes/day.
The achievable capacity will depend upon the characteristics of the slop.

How does the process work?
It aims to cut contamination and recycle valuable consumable resources. During the decontamination process the slop undergo both a mechanical and thermal separation.

This produces three products:
• Water
• Oil
• Solids.

The purity of the Water is such that it matches the standard required for the preparation of drilling “mud” and can be recycled.
The Oil is recovered during the process, thus reducing the environmental impact. The quality of the oil means that it can also be recycled for further drilling activities.

The Solids can be used in a number of applications such as asphalt, cement, and ceramics or alternatively be deposited on a non hazardous landfill site without further treatment.

Is it flexible?
The Slopmax machines can be mobile units or fixed in-situ.

The technology is such that the separation steps can be run independently of each other or they can be run at less than full capacity. This may be appropriate depending upon the nature of the slop.

In the rare cases where one part of the technology fails the rest can still run, thus reducing any “down” time.